Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is our 8th wedding anniversary. Wow, actually seeing the words in print makes it feel so real...and quite a long time! I have a feeling it won't seem long at all until we can say 15th and then 25th...man does time fly! I am so very grateful to have a wonderful, supportive husband who values my thoughts and feelings but most importantly holds me accountable to the Lord and to those I know and love. He is truly my rock and I can always count on him to be the same incredible person I married 8 years ago with lovely "fine tunements" along the way :) Thank you, God, for allowing me the privilege and honor of being married to the one person in this world who truly gets me.

Monday, December 29, 2008

After Christmas down time

Brenna, Drew and I enjoyed just being home together today and playing with all the fun new things! Drew thought the best place ever was in Brenna's room under her chair where she had stashed all her kitchen ware. Brenna has decided that brushing her teeth is just about he most fun in the world as she got a new toothbrush set from a sweet friend of ours for Christmas.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

It is hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone this year. We crammed a whole lotta Christmas into 2 days but it was great and the kids had an awesome time. Brenna received a bicycle from Santa and a kitchen from Santa at Mama Sue's house. Drew got a few little things from Santa and a totally cool car from Santa at Mama Sue's house! One of the pictures says it all, he is such a car man already! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and my best wishes for a very happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas tree pics

I took advantage of having extra time this morning due to combined service. We are usually at church by 8:15 (well, we try to be there by then!) but this morning it didn't begin until 10:45. So, I was able to take a few pictures in front of the Christmas tree with the kids all dolled up. I took probably 20 but really only 2 or 3 turned out very well. Someone please tell me the trick to get an 8 month old and a 2 year old to smile and look in your general direction at the exact same time!!

Some Thanksgiving moments...just in time for Christmas!!

Better late than never, right?! The past two weeks have been a little frustrating, I can't seem to kick whatever sickness this is that I have. Also, the kids have been feeling crummy off and on as well. Drew is cutting 4 teeth right now so he has his moments. And poor Brenna keeps having a low-grade fever the past few days. So...I haven't blogged like I intended to.

We did have a nice Thanksgiving with the family, Brenna absolutely adores her cousins! She thinks Austin, the oldest, is just about the funniest thing ever. Emily is so sweet and patient with her and she and Allie are either all on or all off...they are only 2 months apart. I do believe Brenna's highlight of the holiday was riding the horse with Daddy. She rode for almost an hour and still didn't want to quit when it was time.

Friday, December 12, 2008

We are still around...

It has been so long since I have posted anything I'm sure there are some who think we have dropped off the face of the earth. Well, we haven't but have felt like taking a flying leap at times. We have all been sick, busy, stressed, etc...but hopefully are getting back to some sort of "normal". As most of you know, it is no fun whatsoever to have a sick kid--much less 2!!

I have some cute Thanksgiving pics to post as well as several other fun "happenings", perhaps this weekend will provide an opportunity to get some things done. Oh yeah, that and a whole mound of laundry!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My boy

I know that this will sound cliche, but my boy is growing up so fast!! I barely have time to stop and realize he is getting bigger by the moment with more skills every day. Right now he is scooting around the living room floor. Of course, his major motivation is the fireplace so I am watching very closely :) I have taken a few pictures lately of him and I think they are just the sweetest! I am so blessed to have such a precious, relatively easy going baby. But then again Brenna used to be that way...and most of us know she is not so much anymore. Still precious but with a will of iron that just won't quit...wonder where she gets that from??!! ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sweet Aunt Sissy

Last weekend my parents, kids and I went to see my great-aunt who celebrated her 97th birthday on the 10th of this month. She is one special lady and I am so blessed to have such a strong, independent woman in my family. We met my aunt, uncle and 2 cousin there as well and it was so good to see them! We took it for granted how often we saw them when we lived in Amarillo. Now we really treasure the times we are together.

I just love these pictures of my aunt and my children. We didn't get many pictures of Brenna with my grandmother before she passed away so I am trying to make up for that a bit.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Brenna in November/Drew's little teeth

Brenna dressed herself to go outside today. You can tell she really put a lot of effort into what she was wearing! Only in Texas can you be outside in panties alone and be perfectly comfortable...it was over 80 degrees today.

Drew is just too cute with his two little teeth, gleaming with every grin. And if you know Drew, he smiles an awful lot! This is the best picture so far with his teeth poking out.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween cuties

We had a great time trick-or-treating this year. Brenna finally got the hang of it and especially enjoyed handing out the treats herself! Drew didn't smile, didn't cry, didn't make a peep...but his eyes were taking everything in. I'd like to think he enjoyed it but who can tell with a 6 month old :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Scott and I were in Cabo all last week and had such a fabulous time. We really needed this time together with just us to reconnect and have a meal or two uninterrupted and hot!! Not that we don't love our kids, but we all know it is good to get away sometimes :) Thanks Poppa and Mama Sue for allowing us to have this time together...we can never tell you how much it meant to us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Speed racer

I recently bought a $2 walker for Drew from our next door neighbor during their garage sale. Our neighbor decided when his kids were little that the walker just didn't allow enough maneuverability so he "rigged" the thing with new wheels and the walker is fast and goes in every direction possible. Drew LOVES it and I love it as well since he goes all over the house and will allow me to get a few things done. It is too funny watching him scoot along, he is getting pretty good at figuring out how to get where he wants to go.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Brenna w/ clothes and Drew eating

I realized yesterday that almost all the pictures of Brenna that are posted have her without clothes. Yes, she normally only has a shirt on at home...or less. But I can guarantee she wears clothes when we are out in public! So I am posting a cute picture I took of her the other morning before school. And Drew is now in the world of solid foods. He is not a huge fan yet but I know he will get there. This was the other evening when he was eating sweet potatoes. Brenna loved them at his age so I figured he would probably like them as well. He definitely enjoyed the spoon. I even had to give Brenna bites of his food...she said "mmm, that is yummy!!". At least she enjoyed the meal.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Random goings on

I haven't posted in a while, things have been kinda crazy. I helped my dad with a garage sale last week and then our internet was down about 5 days. Funny how you don't realize how much you count on the internet until it is down for several days!! Anyhoo, I am posting a few pics of my boys and my silly Brenna in the bath. Every once in a while she gets totally cracked up while bathing and it just makes me laugh as well. And Drew has discovered that the basket that holds the toys is much more fun than the actual toys themselves.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Elvis, new teeth, and child labor...

I was trying to take a picture of Drew and his new little tooth but you can't see it very well yet. In the process, he was making funny faces and one was very Elvis-like...too funny! Brenna loves to clean, which I think is absolutely fabulous! She likes the Swiffer best of all and even attached the little cleaning pad and everything all by herself. Unfortunately, she also likes to Swiffer the carpet which doesn't work very well. Next week I'll have to get out the vacuum...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New teeth...

My kiddos have been busy sprouting new teeth this past week. Last weekend, Brenna managed to get 4 new molars--all at the same time!! There was much weeping and fever but she is much better now and sporting new chompers. And then yesterday Drew managed to get his first tooth!! I will post pictures when there is more to see, it has barely broken the skin but nonetheless present. Bless his heart, last night when he woke up to eat he proceeded to gnaw on my chin. I suppose it must have felt good to him, but not too comfortable for me ;)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Concert pics, Drew, & Brenna

I have added a few concert pics, it really was awesome. I now kind of have the concert bug and want to attend more in the near future.

Drew looked especially cute the other day so I took several pictures of him, pushing himself up like a big boy.

And then there is Brenna and daddy's boots...

And some random pics from our friend Triston's big birthday bash.