Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brenna funnies

The Lord most definitely has a sense of humor. Yesterday Brenna was just having one of those days. Everything little thing was a battle, she was disobeying and hitting (which she never does), and was just flat having a bad day. Needless to say, my patience was wearing very thin by church time. She did fine at church and was even doing better by the time we got home. So, I was having a little talk with her about the day's misadventures. I told her that she really hurts Mommy's feeling when she acts the way she was. She then proceeded to say, "Mommy, can I kiss your feelings and make it all better?". Well, how can you be mad at that?

Then I told her that Mommy was sorry for losing her patience and being so hard on her. She then gave me a big hug and said, "Are you sorry for making bad choices, Mommy?". Glad to know she is learning so much about good and bad choices at school...


Jami said...

That is hilarious! Sweet Brenna, she is so funny!

Anonymous said...

Hey, it is sinking in! She is listening! Go Brenna!

Tara said...

Don't they come up with the darndest things? Never ceases to amaze me.....