Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween cuties

We had a great time trick-or-treating this year. Brenna finally got the hang of it and especially enjoyed handing out the treats herself! Drew didn't smile, didn't cry, didn't make a peep...but his eyes were taking everything in. I'd like to think he enjoyed it but who can tell with a 6 month old :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Scott and I were in Cabo all last week and had such a fabulous time. We really needed this time together with just us to reconnect and have a meal or two uninterrupted and hot!! Not that we don't love our kids, but we all know it is good to get away sometimes :) Thanks Poppa and Mama Sue for allowing us to have this time together...we can never tell you how much it meant to us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Speed racer

I recently bought a $2 walker for Drew from our next door neighbor during their garage sale. Our neighbor decided when his kids were little that the walker just didn't allow enough maneuverability so he "rigged" the thing with new wheels and the walker is fast and goes in every direction possible. Drew LOVES it and I love it as well since he goes all over the house and will allow me to get a few things done. It is too funny watching him scoot along, he is getting pretty good at figuring out how to get where he wants to go.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Brenna w/ clothes and Drew eating

I realized yesterday that almost all the pictures of Brenna that are posted have her without clothes. Yes, she normally only has a shirt on at home...or less. But I can guarantee she wears clothes when we are out in public! So I am posting a cute picture I took of her the other morning before school. And Drew is now in the world of solid foods. He is not a huge fan yet but I know he will get there. This was the other evening when he was eating sweet potatoes. Brenna loved them at his age so I figured he would probably like them as well. He definitely enjoyed the spoon. I even had to give Brenna bites of his food...she said "mmm, that is yummy!!". At least she enjoyed the meal.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Random goings on

I haven't posted in a while, things have been kinda crazy. I helped my dad with a garage sale last week and then our internet was down about 5 days. Funny how you don't realize how much you count on the internet until it is down for several days!! Anyhoo, I am posting a few pics of my boys and my silly Brenna in the bath. Every once in a while she gets totally cracked up while bathing and it just makes me laugh as well. And Drew has discovered that the basket that holds the toys is much more fun than the actual toys themselves.